The Classic Full English Breakfast

The Full English Breakfast

The full English breakfast was made popular by the architects of the British Empire, although it had already been the tradition for centuries in rural areas of England. The breakfast was used to fortify oneself thoroughly first thing in the morning, to prepare for the day ahead.

The traditional full English breakfast has made a substantial contribution to culinary history, and is generally accepted worldwide, much like the French croissant.

Most hotels serve a breakfast buffet on the English model, however the buffet is merely a variation. It is intended to save on the time and staff which would be used during the breakfast ceremony in it's classic sense. In classic full English breakfast form, the dishes are served over several courses, much in the same way that a menu is presented.

Blair's Death Sauces and Snacks

A Hot Discovery

A few weeks ago, my other half was given some samples of Blair's Death Sauce. This got me excited as I do love hot sauces, especially ones that come with skull key rings! I'd never heard of Blair's Death Sauce before, so when my boyfriend got home from work, we did some research. It turned out to be a fascinating story.

In 1989, Blair Lazar was a 19 year old bartender in Gimpi's restaurant in New Jersey. Lazar was tired of the late night drunks who wouldn't leave his establishment. So he figured out a way to get rid of them. He made a hot chilli sauce that he cooked chicken wings in and offered them to the late night drinkers, he told them that if they could eat four of the wings, then they could stay drinking all night. The wings were so hot due to the chilli sauce, that no one could manage four and so everyone always left.

Word got out about the 'chicken wings of death' and so more and more people visited Gimpi's restaurant to try them. This was the birth of Blair's Death Sauce.

Easy Pork Burger Recipe

Pork Burgers Cooking

I haven't eaten red meat since I was a small child, I personally don't like the taste. If you're like me or just fancy something different from a regular burger, then a homemade Pork Burger is a great alternative.

You can add many different ingredients to take them from a basic burger, to a gourmet one.

It's nice to make your own burgers, you know exactly what's gone into them with no hidden surprises. Some shop bought burgers contain a ridiculously large amount of salt which can be dangerous, especially if you eat a lot of processed foods because they're high in salt too. At least when you make your own burgers you know that the ingredients are of good quality.

These pork burgers are ideal for kids, just make them into mini burgers and watch them fly off the plate!

Easy Chicken Kebab Recipe

Delicious Chicken Kebab

Chicken kebabs are a great meal for all the family and can be cooked in a variety of ways. I choose to fry mine, just because in my kitchen, that's the most simple way to do them, but you can of course also, grill and barbeque them. If I had a garden I would definitely choose the latter form of cooking.

These chicken kebabs look great both whilst cooking and when on the plate. They're colourful and vibrant, and can be a great way to get kids and fussy eaters eating vegetables. Chicken kebabs make a great summer meal, or if accompanied with something such as Bubble and Squeak, can make a healthy, hearty meal all year round.

Easy Bubble and Squeak Recipe

Bubble and Squeak

Although Bubble and Squeak is traditionally a leftovers meal, my mum always made it from scratch, she boiling the cabbage and potatoes purposely to make it. So that's what I do too, I'm not a fan of cabbage outside of this dish.

A good tip is when making mashed potatoes, purposely make extra so that you have mash to make bubble and squeak quickly, anytime you want. In an airtight container, fresh potato mash will last up to a week in the fridge, providing you haven't added milk or butter that would go out of date during that time.

Bubble and Squeak is a great accompaniment to meat or on it's own as a vegetarian option.